Green living matters in 20th century, switching to an eco-friendly lifestyle individually and living a simple and sustainable life through the society that will guide us to combat climate change effect. That’s why the individual choice of green and simple lifestyle will be matter in the coming days. Our combined personal green lifestyle practice and realization will be significant steps to save nature and our future; that practice will be the ultimate guide of our Green Lifestyle.
As city dwellers, if we look around, we will find everybody is in a rush towards meet the own personal target, and in our surroundings, there are places with very little space for plants and trees. That’s why the natural environment is destroying, creating an adverse level of pollution, which ultimately causes increasing in human suffering.
But it’s not a simple scenario. The so-called modern lifestyle has increased technological effectiveness, but demonic industries made us some kind out of nature beings. In brief, we don’t know how a disastrous future is waiting for us.
How to promote and live an eco-friendly lifestyle in 2023
There are 5 ways to promote and live an eco-friendly lifestyle in 2023 that can help you lead a better life. So, let’s see what are the sustainable ways of living environmentally friendly.
1. Adopt and follow small changes in daily life
2. Save water and electricity energy in our home
3. Plant more trees in your area and prevent deforestation
4. Buy more energy-efficient utilities and products for your home
5. Try to recycle organic and non-organic waste in your home
What is Green Living? Is it Just Simpler version of Green Lifestyle Or Its means a lot?

Green living is a different approach to a lifestyle based on a complete system. Green living is a lifestyle choice where an individual chooses to be environmentally friendly. Such options try to balance individual lifestyle, culture & communities with the Earth’s natural resources, habitats, and biodiversity.
If you only think of keeping the environment safe by reducing pollution, then you are wrong. It actually refers to a holistic form of living based on natural wellbeing. Green living or green lifestyle has some similar terms like sustainable living, zero-waste lifestyle, eco-living, and self-sufficient living.
However, all these green lifestyle don’t refer to the same meaning. Currently, our lifestyle is based on extreme consumerism based on a hedonistic view of life. In this view, humankind needs to swallow down all the resources of nature. Unfortunately, modern lifestyle deals with machines, pollution, egoistic lifestyle, calamities, and disasters.
On the other hand, green living combined with minimalism, altruism, alternative energy usage, living naturally, and understanding the environment a holistic approach. It’s not easy in the current lifestyle pattern, but well adaptation can reduce the difficulties. Recently, an eco-friendly lifestyle is becoming embraced by individuals around the world than ever. Scientists say that the climate change situation can be handled at a large scale if green living is adopted
So, what is green Living? As a gist, it’s not that complicated. It deals with simple Living by reducing the waste of animal and plant diversity and abating natural resources’ extensive usage. But it is profound in meaning, having its philosophy and approach.
It includes every aspect of our lives; food, clothes, house design, workplace, outlook towards nature, energy consumption, occupation systems, and biodiversity. It is a philosophy that deals with nature and its inhabitants in a holistic way. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says that Green Living is a kind of sustainable preference for our food, travel, marketing, and economy with a sustainable way to lead it.
Now, identify the hack between Living vs Lifestyle, is it same in manner?
Living vs Lifestyle: Are They Same?
It’s an astonishing fact that sometimes easy questions can’t be answered in easy ways. Maybe it’s caused by our way of thinking. For example, the term ‘lifestyle’ can be a perfect question.
What is a lifestyle?
Are living and lifestyle always the same? Answering these is not that simple.
Let’s start with Living.
It means to add proper value to a particular life. We don’t live without any direction. Even the most reckless person has a minimum path, though unconscious. Living is an outlook that is working practically to lead someone towards specific goals. In brief, Living is a continuity that has to be completed with particular means.
On the other hand, lifestyle describes something entirely different. In this term, some sort of collectivity exists. It also has philosophical sides, which are different from Living. Famous psychoanalyst Alfred Adler first used it as a cultural phenomenon.
A single human being creates his lifestyle by his behavior, imagination, memory, thinking, opinion, knowledge, and belief system. All these things synthetically make a lifestyle.
The sense of lifestyle is broader than living in many perspectives. From one standpoint, lifestyle describes how Living can be perfect or fruitful. On the other hand, sharpening the way of Living can lead one towards a proper lifestyle. (acrwebsite.org). They don’t mean the same thing but are intimately connected.
On the contrary, the standard of Living leads to another direction. It means something socioeconomic state- like quantity of affluence, food supply, energy consumption rate, and class relation. As a result, it’s also very different from lifestyle, though having similarities. The living standard is the collective form of lifestyle.
Some Green Lifestyle or Living Philosophy that are Closely Accompanying to Green Living

Green living deals with a natural and monistic way of life. As a result, some closely related issues come as outputs of this thing. In the following topics, we will know about them comfortably and interestingly. These will enrich our thought about nature and its way.
There are some Green lifestyle and Living philosophy that are closely associated with Green Living such as-
- Sustainable Living.
- Zero Waste lifestyle.
- Carbon Free Lifestyle- Carbon Footprint.
- Self-Sufficient Life.
- Net Zero Lifestyle.
- Minimalism Lifestyle.
- Off-grid lifestyle.
- Eco friendly Lifestyle.
If you want to understand the real myth or philosophy of green living and want to adopt in your lifestyle, we must need to know those green lifestyle ideology. Here I am trying to get the glimpse of idea about those lifestyle-
Lets start-
What is Sustainable Living and How it Associated with Green Living?

If you notice your everyday activities, you will find an exciting thing. After using any natural resource, you don’t think of renewing or replacing it. It is not entirely your fault. Our present way of personal and social life is based on rapid consumerism. It works on gaining profits, so it has no time to think of it. But nature returns its vast output as fatal calamities. So, our lifestyle should be sustainable.
Sustainable Living means a lifestyle with a moral consciousness towards our surroundings and environment. It mainly includes reducing burdens on nature and waste of natural resources. But it has broader meanings. We know that individuals and society are dependent on natural resources. We use abundant resources in industrial ways today to consume. Thus, consumerism has become today’s way of life.
Sustainable Living is a way of getting back from consumerism. It includes minimal energy usage, reducing pollution, abating dependence on artificial foods and clothing, and so on. You can say this as simple Living with a nature-based philosophy.
What Is Zero Waste Lifestyle?

Concentrate on today’s scenario. Our lifestyle is fully based on a complex system that works on total unconsciousness towards nature and its process.
As a result, we are getting more reckless. Wastage has become the other name of our way of being. Sea beaches are full of plastic wastes. Marine lives are in great danger because of our unlimited wants. We are also unconscious that our lifestyle is creating a demonic future. To confront this, a zero-waste lifestyle is inevitable.
You can mistake this philosophy by meaning it as recycling and reusing something. But the reality is different. It is not a single process, but a whole systematic approach. It deals with changing our present systems to redesign our production, consumption, and acting lifestyle to reduce wastage up to zero percent.
According to Zero-Waste International Alliance or ZWIA, it includes a systematic and accountable way for shaping the present mode of resource consumption to lessen the wastage at the smaller level.
Experts say that adopting Zero Waste Lifestyle can lower the cost of today’s’ waste management at a surprising stage.
Recently, ‘waste management’ has become very popular as a term. Politicians and policymakers often use it to provoke the mass. According to today’s scenario, waste should be huge in number so that traditional policymakers can make many promises to shape public life better. It sounds funny, but the fact remains the same. Without changing our lifestyle, only fancy policies will be a wastage of paper.
A zero-waste lifestyle proposes an entire way to reshape our thinking on how we live. We, as members of different communities, make waste after using consumer products. Zero waste deals with reducing waste quantity by various means. It says that a huge number of recycling can use matters if the proper way is applied. As a result, throwing waste into landfills and the ocean can be controlled to level zero.
Many people think that a zero-waste lifestyle is simply a way of recycling the wastes we leave every day. But it has a deeper meaning. It advocates an entirely different life approach that is not dependent on present consumerism, which promotes a production and distribution system based on throwing wastes into landfills and incinerators.
What is Carbon Free Lifestyle?- Carbon Footprint:
We know that our present energy system is mostly based on fossil fuels like coal, gas, or petroleum. Engines in factories and vehicles produce a large amount of Carbon Dioxide and Methane, which are very dangerous for the earth’s climate.
It hampers the Ozone layer; thus, ultra-violate rays and other radioactive waves are becoming the causes of the extinction of valuable biodiversity. To reduce the emission of carbon, measurement is necessary.
Carbon Footprint is a way of measuring pollution scientifically made by carbon.
So, what is Carbon Footprint?
Scientists and environmentalist measure this by calculating the emission of total carbon produced by a person, community, or a whole population. It is also called the Carbon Dioxide equivalent. This calculating can’t be 100% exact in every aspect. But an average ratio can be found to deal with the size of pollution.
Carbon footprint is measured by-
- Carbon footprint is measured by carbon emission by any community, country, or region; worldculturenetwork.com.
- Carbon footprint is measured by carbon emission by any community, country, or region; worldculturenetwork.com.
- Carbon footprint is measured by carbon emission by any community, country, or region; worldculturenetwork.com.
Carbon Footprint is a very influential ideology to gain proper knowledge about pollution and its adequate solution. Similar philosophy are available; water footprint and land footprint are also significant in environmental issues.
What is the Philosophy of Self-Sufficient Life?

Just pause for a second. Think about how you and your family members or relatives live. Indeed, you would conclude that they are very much dependent on market goods in everyday life.
Even nowadays, village people also depend on consumer products too much. As a result, the sense of sufficiency among them is decreasing day by day. But the world can’t fulfill the greed of every man. So, practicing sufficiency is very necessary.
It is not easy to describe the self-sufficient life accurately. But its characteristics can be traced. Self-sufficiency means lowering dependency on others in a possible way. But it is not enough to assert it, because it has philosophical sides. It includes today’s thought process, world view, and economic outlook. Today’s consumerism encourages us to be more and more dependent.
As a result, we become addicted—ongoing policymaking systems uplift this addiction. Self-sufficiency is a thought which helps us to get rid of this addiction.
There are many ways to maintain self-sufficiency, those areas growing one’s food, reducing dependency on grocery & economic market, having simplicity in lifestyle. Few more are like living life free of monetary debts, lessening dependence on artificial foods, making community, plus refusing some ultra-modern aspects of today’s life are some examples of a self-sufficient life.
What is Net Zero Lifestyle? “Net Zero Emission” is another New forms of green carbonless lifestyle:

From recent scientific researches, we can easily understand that reducing carbon dioxide is necessary to save our climate. It increases global temperature, which causes green-house effects. Many environmental policies have taken seriously to lower the rate of carbon dioxide. Net-zero is one of the guidelines which has become a serious subject.
As a theme, net-zero is exciting and straightforward.
It means balancing the rate of carbon dioxide to keep it in a minimal amount. It deals with the withdrawal of carbon dioxide from the environment by various means.
Think comparatively. A stopcock is open, and water is emitting from it to fill up a glass. So, the water tank is becoming empty. You should fill up the tank to get water again. The net-zero policy works like this way.
The emission of carbon dioxide can be reduced by absorbing it before getting out and sent to the underground. Or, it can be purified and reserved for the sector where carbon dioxide is needed.
But its application varies in many ways. And sometimes, it’s hard to apply it everywhere. For example, airplanes can’t introduce the net-zero system. But industries and company can use it to achieve proper sustainable development.
What is “Minimalism Lifestyle” Really mean?
Look around your room. You must have a closet to keep your clothes there. If you count, you will find that there are more shirts or pants than your primary need. Maybe it’s not a fault at all. Today’s world view teaches us that consuming at a maximum scale is the way to happiness. But it increases the number of unhappy people at last. So, we should think alternatively to be our own.
At this point, minimalism can help us in various ways. Maybe you can think that it’s an art movement, so what’s the big deal? Well, it says that the reduction of complexity from our lives is the best way to achieve happiness. But it doesn’t suggest you become a Buddhist monk. It recommends living a simple life having minimum and important things around you.
But it includes a basic philosophical side, though it seems simple. It asserts living a life free from the overdose of commercial domination, reducing the slavery of consumerism, and being one’s own in the right way.
From the beginning of modernity, elders of the society taught us to consume more to gain more. This view leads us to unconditional competition against not only nature but also ourselves. Present world politics, economy, and state systems are sponsoring it for their benefits. But the real beneficiaries are worsening the global state day by day. So, minimalism is a necessary answer to shape our lifestyle again.
Meaning of “Off-Grid Lifestyle”:

If you notice your living system carefully, you will find that the authorities of these days made your lives very complicated by increasing dependency on a large scale. You can’t imagine a single thing that can be produced by an expensive industrial process. But it’s not the answer to all of your questions because consuming can’t make one immortal.
So, our lifestyle should be appropriately arranged to solve problems. Many alternate lifestyles have been proposed to change the present system. ‘Off-the-Grid’ or ‘Off-Grid-Lifestyle’ is one of them.
Generally, off-grid means stopping the usage of industrial electricity from producing domestic energy. But it has a broader meaning. It includes reducing redundant things and helps to cut out extravagant so called demand in life, lowering living costs, to abandon the usage of luxury products, and shortening the wrong ways of our outlook.
There are many ways to lead an off-grid lifestyle. Making one’s water supply, producing house electricity by solar panel, introducing a new sanitation system, creating new ways to save food without a refrigerator, and leading a green way of life can be examples of this lifestyle.
Short brief of Eco Friendly Lifestyle:
Eco Friendly lifestyle simply means living in a way that is not harmful to the environment. It includes using nature-friendly products, reducing air, water, and soil pollution through living and keeping the ecosystem proper by not harming it.
Is Eco Friendly Lifestyle essential?
In one sense, yes, it is. It can be said as the key concept to save our planet. Our modern lifestyle, based on unlimited consumerism, is making the earth a demonic place. If the present situation of pollution continues, our future generation will found themselves amid an apocalyptic death cult. Only changing our lifestyle in an eco-friendly way can help us.
Eco Friendly Lifestyle is not very hard to achieve, but it needs a totalistic process. Giving up using eco-harmful products, thought green, try to raise your baby eco friendly way, reducing industrial processes, shortening fossil fuel usage, and increasing sustainable power sources can be accepted as an Eco Lifestyle.
What is the meaning of “Go Green”

Go Green is a slogan that was introduced to reduce pollution by taking environment-friendly steps in our daily lives. But its original depth of meaning lies in its theme. It’s not merely some steps to take. It can be described as a way of living. Its horizon includes recycling as a part of production, abating rude consumerism by living near nature, and reducing unbridled use of natural resources.
Now its time emphasis the topics, how these lifestyle concept interconnect with green living.
Lets deep dive!!
Does Green Living and Sustainable Living same in meaning? Difference between Green Living VS Sustainable Living
Green Living is not a new concept. Mankind has been practicing green living for centuries. But not everyone was aware of its necessity or benefits. Today, the world is facing many natural consequences that force us to take the green living concept into account. Sustainable Living is more prevalent within the scientific community because it promises futuristic developments.
Green Living and sustainable Living might sound just the same thing. From a viewpoint, they are. But actually, they have some differences, enough to consider them as separate concepts. The first difference is green living is a way of achieving sustainable living. The sustainable living concept allows us to reuse and recycle things that we generally dispose of. Green Living teaches the same principle, but not as profound as sustainable living.
Another difference is sustainable living emphasizes on future, and green living represents the present situation. Many of the green products are used in a sustainable living concept. But all green products are not sustainable. Although green living is a lot more widespread inactivity, and anyone can apply them, sustainable living may sometimes require technical knowledge to apply successfully.
What’s the difference between Green living vs Sustainable Living vs Zero Waste Lifestyle?
You may think that why zero waste is relevant to green living?
Think carefully. Green Living tells us to live according to the way of nature.
It advocates to give up manufactured consumer products. Not only that, it incorporates a kind of alternative life philosophy to arrange the total system in a new way. A zero-waste lifestyle recommends a system that will reduce waste by reshaping our current production, distribution, and consuming system. The field of green living is broader than the zero-waste lifestyle.
But they have similarities too. Both deal with a cleaner environment, which will prevent pollution by managing our way of living. And they both advocates changes to adapt to build parallel systems for our living spaces. They oppose the present situation based on reckless consumerism, which doesn’t care about our environment and biodiversity.
Now, come to the point of sustainable living. Of course, it’s not similar to zero waste. Also, it has depth in meaning. Like green living, sustainable living promotes a healthy lifestyle, including introducing sustainable systems to reduce waste and pollution.
Again, it promotes a healthy way of life based on a completely different power consumption method, preventing misuse and increasing longevity. In this sense, zero waste can be a part of sustainable living.
All three of these lifestyle are eco-friendly.
Green Living advocates a lifestyle of synthesis among nature and living beings in which a healthy balance should be reserved. Without preserving the ecosystem properly, this ambition can’t be appropriately fulfilled.
Sustainable Living promotes a lifestyle in which the longevity of resource usage is encouraged.
On the other hand, a zero-waste lifestyle recommends a systematic way of production and consumption in which wastage would be reduced on a large scale. Both these are designed to create a safeguard for nature. Eco-friendliness is a crucial concept in all these three lifestyles.
Green Living Examples: How You Can Cope with Green Living Lifestyle?

Here are some of the actionable tips and ways you can achieve green living:
- Green living should start with nourishing your body. Using essential oils rather than cosmetic oils should be the first and foremost way of starting green living.
- Every year, companies produce millions of bottled waters. Plastic is bad for Mother Nature: use natural ways to purify your water.
- The best, though, comes when hearing about green living is reducing waste. Use materials that can be reused and recycled.
- One of the easiest ways of having a green living is to conserve natural energy by reducing gas and oil usage. Use only what is necessary.
- Use green transportation such as bicycles, other pedestal transports, electrically powered transports, etc., to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
- Eat organic foods, fresh foods grown from your farms. It may give you some extra cash too.
- Use chemical-free goods.
- Use greenways to take care of yourselves. Give up prosthetic or cosmetic means and apply herbal products.
- Grow a consciousness among others about green living so that others can enjoy its benefits.
- Invest in green projects like carbon offsets and other similar projects.
- Continue to educate yourself so that others can find motivation from you.
- Support your local green business and help them grow.
- Use Condensed Natural Gas or CNG instead of petrol or diesel as it emits less greenhouse gas.
Why Living Green is Important? Importance of Green Lifestyle:
Today’s scenario of the world easily tells us the importance of Green Living. In one sense, we, the inhabitants of this planet, have no other choice rather than going green. The present problem for the environment is not pollution, but the system of pollution. Going for Green lifestyle is necessary to change the situation. Importance of Green Lifestyle is many such as-
- Reducing Air Pollution.
- Lowering Water Pollution.
- Economic Wellbeing.
- Stopping Land Pollution.
- Climate Change Issues.
#Reducing Air Pollution:

Nowadays, new respiratory diseases have spread on a large scale in many parts of the world. Even advanced medicine can’t cure these diseases. It’s simple; only medicine can’t save civilization. Our whole future will be in danger if we don’t change our lifestyle.
To reduce air pollution, going green is necessary indeed. We should change our way of living life based on fossil fuel energy and massive industrialization to get fresh air. Again, wildlife is in great danger because of this pollution. And large scale air pollution is creating new hazards. Going green can be an answer to reduce air pollution. In this theme, alternative energy consumption can solve the power shortage and save biodiversity in many respects.
#Lowering Water Pollution:

Maximum of today’s industries throw their wastes into rivers and significant water sources. Experts say that it’s not the fault of the industries. Modern industries are designed to manage their waste like this. The result is in front of us, and the world is in a crisis of drinking water. Only reducing waste throwing is not enough. Going green can be a perfect answer to stop water pollution.
So, how can it lower water pollution? Well, Renewable and sustainable source can be used to produce energy in industries and water transports. And power consumption should be consistent with the ecosystem. Thus water can be saved as the life source of living beings.
#Economic Wellbeing:
Big industries often throw a large number of water wastes or effluents. By solving this, going green can reduce not only pollution but also the expense of industrial processes. Thus, going green can be an excellent example of eco-friendliness and economic profit. The problem of water waste can be handled by renewable energy plants and production systems which use a sustainable method. Thus, a massively expensive waste management system can be altered, and it will be profitable economically.
#Stopping Land Pollution:

We often say that underground water is pure and safe. But recently, land pollution is making it false. Industrial waste, incredibly toxic chemicals thrown into brownfields, is creating massive damage to our lands. As a result, the land is getting poisonous, and agriculture is in great danger. Going green is necessary to stop land pollution.
#Climate Change Issues:
Nowadays, the earth’s temperature is increasing at an alarming rate. Sea level is going up, and polar ice is melting. Many parts of the world are facing unusual calamities caused by climate change. Still, world leaders are promoting heavy industries and fossil fuel energy as a permanent solution. Going green is an inevitable answer to today’s question.
Now its time to discuss the benefits of the green living-
What’s The benefit of Green Living? Here Some outstanding Benefits of Living Green lifestyle:
Here are some benefits which will come if going green is adapted.
- Health Benefits.
- Increasing the Betterment of Life.
- Fulfilling the Goal of Sustainable World.
- Shortening Big Budget Management.
- New Developed Areas.
#Health Benefits:
Going green will reduce pollution on a large scale. Recently, the public health situation is getting worse all over the world. Much of these occurred due to air and water pollution. Going green will reduce health causalities on a large scale if applied. Thus, Go Green can be a purpose to save humanity in real sense.
For example, think about transportation. Instead of using fossil fuel-based transport, green living promotes sustainable energy-based vehicles. If it is mainly introduced, pollution will be reduced, which is a prime cause of heath causalities.
#Increasing the Betterment of Life:
Our current thought process on living is based on luxury based consumerism. It promises material wellbeing, but the fact is something completely different. Crude materialism made the world full of conflicts and the flow of cash. Going green promotes simplicity based on nature-based humanism and eco-holism. For a better lifestyle, going green is beneficial.
#Fulfilling the Goal of Sustainable World:
Recently, experts say that our present resources will be finished if we consume these at this rate. But we don’t have to wait that long, the crisis of resources is creating huge problems in many parts of the world. Forests are being cut down, and indigenous lives are in great danger. In the name of civilization, we are leaving this planet unworthy of living. Going green can save us by protecting nature along with us.
#Shortening Big Budget Management:
If you are a man/woman from a middle-class family, you will find that your personal, family, and community life is somehow getting more expensive gradually. It’s not because of your growing need, honestly. Today’s lifestyle provokes you so that your blind consumerism can be established everywhere. This is like fashion today. Going green promotes simple living along with a nature-friendly outlook. It rejects bind consumerism as a lifestyle. If it is appropriately maintained, living costs will be lowered at a surprising scale.
#New Developed Areas:
If going green is adopted at a large scale, new areas will be developed for sustainable power, green farming, green accommodation, and other eco-friendly processes. Newly developed areas can be established with a green living community system. In this way, dependence on the present demolishing system can be reduced to make a better world.
Impact of Going Green: Reason To go green
Green living has a huge positive impact in varies sector such as-
- Environmental Impact
- Socio-Economic Impact
- Impact on Mental and Physical Health
- Impact on Education Sector
- Impact on Parenting and family Ethics
- Impact on individual lifestyle.
If you want to know more the impact of going green please explore here.
Does Green Living Save your Money? Some Actionable Green Tips That Can Help You Save Your Money

Many people think that leading a Green lifestyle is more expensive than the way they are living now.
Well, this is not a matter of truth or fault.
Our existing outlook is grown up in such a way that makes us think like this. Green living is cheap if you want. Here are some actionable ways that can help you to cope with green lifestyle along with save your budget drastically-
- Lowering Extra Demand is a Part of It.
- Consciousness about Using Resources.
- Making Different Food Choice.
- Rechargeable Battery.
- Using Second or Third-Hand Products.
- Domestic Cleaning with a Greener Way.
- Using eco-friendly products.
- Going Paperless.
- Grow your Own food.
- Organic Food preservation.
- Going Paperless.
- Save money by fixing.
Lowering Extra Demand is a Part of It: Going green promotes giving up unnecessary products in personal, family, and community lives. We often maximize our demands of products without any reason, only for habit. For example, excess use of electricity and water can be placed here. Green living promotes an alternate system of commodity consumption. It’s good for the economy.
Consciousness about Using Resources: Freshwater is an everyday need in our lifestyle. We need it everywhere, drinking, washing, cooking, bathing, and cleaning. Going green creates a sense of consciousness about creatively using limited resources. Water recycling can be an excellent example of going green. Again, it includes a kind of modesty in using resources. Rather than wasting water, we can reuse water by creating a green purifying system in many ways.
Making Different Food Choice: Many people say that adopting green living is difficult in food consumption. Their indication is towards grocery products that are manufactured in a greenway. Well, there is a simple way. Reducing grocery products can be an excellent answer. Green products, especially vegetables, crops, and fruits, can be bought directly from the farmers. Farmers don’t include shop rent or taxes into product value.
Rechargeable Battery: Generally, we prefer disposable batteries to use energy. This material emits harmful elements into the environment, like lead and mercury. Instead of this, a rechargeable battery can be an excellent source of energy. By using this, energy consumption costs can be lowered at a profitable rate.
Using Second or Third-Hand Products: reen living as a way to save money can be done personally. It sounds awkward, but it’s true. Instead of leaving old products and buying new ones, one can collect second or third-hand products. This practice can be a perfect way to save money.
Domestic Cleaning with a Greener Way: We often use expensive products to clean our dishes, pavements, walls, and kitchens. Instead, using vinegar and baking soda can be proved more effective. Not only that, it is a money-saving way which can shorten the cleaning cost unbelievably.
Now you might think how to adopt this green living philosophy within your daily lifestyle. Its not hard to achieve, just need to follow some tips and way to incorporate. Here i show you some cool tips for green living-
Some Actionable Cool tips for Green Living-
- Always Think Green.
- Set your own time, mindset, resolution of green lifestyle and finally practices and make it habit.
- Avoid Plastic.
- Avoid Vampire power.
- Go for eco-friendly Cloth washing.
- Organic Gardening.
- Recycling.
- Make habit to use natural ecofriendly sustainable product.
- Emphasis on renewable energy sources.
- Raise your baby ecofriendly way or go for eco-parenting.
- Get rid of Diapers.
- Sustainable Green Practices you can adapt Daily in your life.
- Reduce Food Waste.
- Emphasis on Home Made Materials.
- Go for Cycling.
- Adopt Greening office idea.
- Using Second or Third-Hand Products.
- Domestic Cleaning with a Greener Way.
- Go for eco camping.
Some Cool Facts about Green Living: Facts that inspire You to adapt Green Living
Here are some cool and fun facts about green living and why it is necessary.
- Aluminum can be recycled forever, and recycling one aluminum can save enough energy to power your TV for three hours.
- Papers used only by the American companies can encircle the earth three times.
- If the New York Times can go paperless only on Sunday, around 75000 trees can be saved.
- Nearly 1 million sea creatures can be saved if the plastic is not produced.
- The oldest tree is about 4600 years old.
- A modern-day glass takes as long as four millenniums to decompose.
- Recycling a tin can may just save up to 74% of the energy that is used to produce a new tin can.
- Turning a thermostat down by 1 degree can save up to 8% of energy.
- Human-made forests have already covered up some of the ozone layer holes that roughly sized about the USA’s size.
- If you can recycle 1 ton of paper pulp, you can save enough energy to power your house for 1.5 years.
Some Outstanding Green Technologies which can force you to rethink about green lifestyle:
Technological growth on different sections to comfort the human lifestyle is at a remarkable speed than ever. The grace of technology also enlightens green living. Let us now look at some of the techniques that are available to support the green lifestyle.
Here I discuses some Outstanding Green Technologies such as-
- Solar roof tiles.
- Smartflower.
- Living wall.
- Vertical gardens.
- Edible alternatives.
- Tesla solar roof and Tesla powerwall.
- Tesla electric Car.
#Solar roof tiles:

Solar power is a sustainable and pollution-free way of getting electricity for homes. Over the years of progression, solar panels can serve as a reliable source of electricity. A more promising technology driving the principles of the solar panel is the solar roof.
Instead of panels, the roof tiles can serve as power generating units for a house. So, no extra spending with almost zero percent of pollution can power your home is a fantastic green living technology.

Smartflower is a substitution of solar panels and solar roof tiles. Yes, it is a flower made with PV cells that draws power from the sun and convert it to electricity. It is called a smart flower because, like flowers, it opens its operation only when the solar radiation is around. It remains inactive at night, and users can easily install it in their backyard or garden. It is portable and efficient.

#Living wall: Living wall does not have a life of its own. But it supports life for others. A living wall contains a garden, and the concept arose from rooftop gardens. Instead of only rooftops, gardens can now be at the walls of your building. Many living walls are already established around the globe, and a famous one is situated in London. The living wall is also known as ‘the urban jungle’.
#Vertical gardens: With the increment of the human population, the land is becoming scarce — the land required producing foods the shortening. Vertical gardening is a promising solution to this problem, growing a garden using vertical space in a place. The place can be an open place or a building, which can solve accommodation problems and food supply.
#Edible alternatives: Plastic is useful for humans only, not for nature rigid. Instead, it creates numerous problems for other creatures. A possible option of plastic can be edible alternatives. These alternative bodies are just as healthy as plastic but can be dissolved in nature or eaten by other creatures.
Future of Green Living
No doubt that green living is a necessary step to take for our survival. Scientists today are concentrating on how existing technologies can be developed as eco-friendly technologies. We already know about various technologies existing today that serve as eco-friendly systems. Let us now look at the key aspects which hold a brighter future for green living.
Energy is considered the most important and valuable aspect of green technology. No doubt that the world will soon face scarcity if we continue to use fossil fuels. Fortunately, the energy sector worldwide is focusing more on the development of alternative fuels and energy sources.
Today, many companies and service providers are taking necessary measurements and putting substantial efforts into meeting social-related needs with sustainable solutions that may have used today and in the future without harming natural balance. For example, car wash businesses are trying to use more efficient wash systems that will allow them to recycle used water and reduce wastage.
Many private and government-owned companies in all manufacturing and industrial sectors are trying to adopt solutions geared towards reducing waste with minimal pollution by changing how products are manufactured and consumed by end-users. Some of the ideas to do so are:
- Introducing practices that reduce waste.
- Recycling waste.
- Purchasing remanufactured products like equipment and parts.
- Accepting green product alternatives.
- Adopting green policies in the product and service sectors.
Many chemical companies are finding ways to adopt green chemistry. Green chemistry is mainly the use of eco-friendly compounds. Another subsection of this is nanotechnology, which is already introduced to mass production, and it offers excellent potential.
A significant percentage of the world’s total waste is caused by the use of plastics that are not recyclable or non-degradable. Ending the cycle of using manufactured products that are not eco-friendly is a keen focus on green technology today. Manufacturers are now introducing many alternative products that can be fully reused, recycled, or reclaimed.
How Green Investment affects the economy and Environment :
Green investment refers to investing in personal sources of power, such as investing in solar panels. For the government, it can be an investment in other projects alongside power generation. We already know how green investment affects the environment from above, so we will be discussing the economic effects.
Green investments allow a family to have their source of power rather than relying on others investing in a solar panel to reduce the expenses of a family they can use elsewhere. This may allow the family to uplift their economic condition. Moreover, it is an eco-friendly method of producing power, with almost zero percent carbon emission.
From the Industrial view, green investment also holds promising potential. Many green technologies for producing power costs much less than traditional fuel-based techniques. Moreover, these technologies can be very eco-friendly as pollution-free production is a key concern for them. Although many of these technologies are under inspection, some of them have already seen the light of production and soon they are expected to spread among bigger nations.
Top 15 Green Countries In The World:
Here is a ranking of green living countries according to the latest surveys of the 2020 Environmental Performance Index. Climate change, Air quality, Sanitation & drinking water, Biodiversity & habitat, Ecosystem services, Water resources, Pollution emissions, Waste management- based on all of these parameters, the countries listed below have been declared as Green country-
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Finland
- Japan
- Norway
- Denmark
- Netherlands
- Australia
- Germany
- Canada
- New Zealand
- United Kingdom
- Austria
- Singapore
- Republic of Korea
Sweden: Sweden is ranked as the number one green living country in the world. This Scandinavian country is a perfect country to live a healthy and green life.
Switzerland: The Swiss Federation is a small country in the central European region. Switzerland ranks as the second-best at green living.
Finland: Finland is ranked third place for green living. This nordic country of Europe has a long hereditary of green living.
Japan: Although many people belives that Japan is the most successful at green living, this Asian island country comes at number four.
Norway: Another Scandinavian country made it in the list of greenest countries in the world.
Denmark: When your neighboring countries make it at the top of the list, you also got to try it. So Denmark makes it to the sixth number position in the list.
Netherlands: The Dutch are always prosperous people. They make it to number seventh on the list.
Australia: The continent of Australia is mostly occupied by the Commonwealth of Australia, which is at number 8th in our list.
Germany: Though devastated by two world wars, german people sure know how to get back up. They made it to the 9th position in the world’s greenest country in terms of living.
Canada: This North American country has an enthusiasm for green living rather than its neighboring countries, which gives them the 10th position on our list.
New Zealand: This Australian country is just behind its neighbor Australia which is in number 11th position.
United Kingdom: Although many of the UK’s colonies hold a higher position in the ranking, the British people struggle to get into the top ten by inch. They are ranked at number 12.
Austria: This culturally rich country holds the position of number 13th on our list.
Singapore: Having obtained independence in 1965, Singapore holds a magnificent example of prosperity. This marvelous metropolis is at number 14th on our list.
Republic of Korea: South Korea is at a relatively high position than its rival country, North Korea, in green living. They hold the 15th position on our list.
Although the USA is not in our top 15 countries to practice green living, it still has an impressive overall rank in green living.
Besides, many of the green ideas were invented in the USA and one of the biggest green living promoters.
Top TEDx Talk conference on Green Living :8 Top most TEDx Talk video of Green Lifestyle
Recently, Green Living has become a world phenomenon. Pollution and climate change issues have been a topic of high tension among conscious people. If our modern lifestyle weren’t changed, a negatively changed world would be destructive to us.
You may have seen TEDx talk shows on YouTube. Here famous men and women discuss hot issues and current topics related to science, politics, outlooks, lifestyle, artificial intelligence, etc. Many of its shows were taking place on green living. These show a green living, sustainable lifestyle, natural way of life, and eco-friendly strategies that have been explored with different perspectives. Persons from many varieties of expertise have shared their views on a greener world and our way of gaining it.
#1.Green Lifestyle TEDx Talk Video : Tips for a Green Lifestyle | Haley Higdon
In this TEDx talk video, Haley Hegdon describes the necessity of Green Living in an exciting creative way. At present, going green is not easy. Because the current lifestyle is based on dumping the garbage. So, Haley started thinking of recycling waste materials. Thus zero waste was introduced to her. She promotes minimalism and an eco-friendly living style.
#2.Green Lifestyle TEDx Talk Video : My path to green living: Michael Roy
Michael Roy describes his path of Green Living in this video. He spent many years in Cambodia. There he saw a typical village that was almost self-sufficient. That oriental way of life changed his outlook profoundly. He began to think about green living and renewable energy consumption. His view is holistic and synthesis-based.
#3.Green Lifestyle TEDx Talk Video: Ryan Lupberger
People praise green living, but often they don’t by green and eco-friendly products. In this video, Ryan Lupberger discusses the problems of trading eco-living products. Instead of marketing as an eco-friendly product, companies should preach the products’ longevity and sustainable quality. Researches show that this can bring success
#4.Green Living TEDx Talk Video: Allan Savory
For want of proper usage, many fertile parts of the globe are becoming desert. As a result, the rate of Carbon Dioxide in the air is increasing. But this problem can be solved in a very creative way. Famous ecologist Allan Savory describes an authentic way to save the grasslands from desertification. This is good not only for the green environment but can bring a holistic approach to wellbeing.
#4.Going Green TEDx Talk Video: Bryn Davidson
Green building is an outstanding feature of Green Living as a concept. It’s not only about using a solar panel on the rooftops or using renewable energy in houses. It’s more than that. Bryan Davidson describes green building using a totalistic view of lifestyle and ecosystem.
#5.Going Green TEDx Talk Video: Lauren Singer
The zero-waste lifestyle is not about only changing nature into green everywhere. It also includes changing ourselves by adopting some habits which help to reduce wastage. It should be one in a comprehensive way of planning and works. Lauren Singer describes these with her style. She is living a zero-waste lifestyle for many years.
#6.Going Green TEDx Talk Video: Jackson Carpenter
The carbon footprint is a very central theme in the idea of Green Living. By reducing our carbon footprint, we can make our planet more livable in many ways. But it needs a long term process with scientific understanding. Jackson Carpenter described here the means of cutting the Carbon Footprint up to 60%.
#7.Going Green TEDx Talk Video: Jason McLennan
Jason McLennan, architect, and environmentalist described Living Building for a living future as a method of Green Living. In his view, nature is not only the best healer but also the best philosopher as well.
#8.Going Green TEDx Talk Video: Lindsey Kindrat
Green buildings are made or designed based on environmental wellbeing and living a green way of life. It needs research on ecology, biodiversity, climate, geology, and ethology as well. Lindsey Kindart, a famous ecologist, described the possibilities and functionalities of green buildings in her way.
Wrap up of Green Living:
After discussing some significant aspects of green living or green lifestyle, I am pretty sure you might have different thoughts about green living.
I am hopeful and feel that helps you to rethink the philosophy about the necessity of green living concepts.
But this is not always true. That is why researchers are still studying green living. But all in all, this concept of changing the world is not bad, after all. Many people are getting the results they were promised to have, without negative consequences.
So, the world may just see better days if the planet’s inhabitants adopt a green lifestyle. But the question is, how long will it take to rebuild the earth?
Well, just like a baby needs to feed every day to grow, green living is almost the same sort of thing. The practice of green lifestyle must be continued to preserve nature for our survival. It is said that sustainability is the key to a better future. Green living is an ideal way to gain sustainability. So, time demands to act now and give this idea thought for the future of the earth, mankind, and all its inhabitants. We must preserve our home as the supreme being.
- centerforecotechnology.org
- conserve-energy-future.com
- empathy.club
- motherearthnews.com
- greenbiz.com
- becomingminimalist.com
- theminimalist.com
- offgridworld.com
- motherearthnews.com
- greenliving.lovetoknow.com
- greencoast.org
- all-recycling-facts.com
- smallfootprintfamily.com
- isustainableearth.com
- greenamerica.org
- sciencefocus.com
- ted.com