We cannot just solve the threats of human-induced climate change and loss of Biodiversity in isolation, and we need to either solve both or solve neither.
The web of life that sustains us is unraveling at an increasingly alarming rate due to human activities, with upwards of one million species now facing extinction cause loss of Biodiversity within the next few decades. Many of these include species we depend on for food and life-sustaining ecosystem services such as crop pollination, freshwater, and the oxygen in the air we breathe.
This article will precisely uphold the current Loss Of Biodiversity Solutions, why we are losing Biodiversity, few interesting Examples of Biodiversity, benefits Biodiversity gifting us, causes & impacts of biodiversity loss. Most importantly, the Solutions to biodiversity crises and How to prevent the loss of Biodiversity, and finally, the thoughts on Preserving Biodiversity & Save the Earth.
Welcome to the anthropogenic era – where human insanity of over exploitative nature invading planet’s Biodiversity. Biodiversity is all forms of life on earth. The mysterious connections of one species with another and different species within an ecosystem – are crucial for our survival. Genetic diversity & evolution determines how much a species could survive within a change in climate and habitat.
It gifts us ample oxygen, food, timber, and medicines. Ecosystem, habitat, and species are entirely different in multiple types of forests. For example, Tropical rainforests, northern boreal forests, and north arctic have completely different ecosystems & species diversity.
Anthropogenic activities like deforestation, mining, artificial agriculture, industrialization, urbanization, hunting, and illegal trafficking – hampering Biodiversity. Climate change, plastic pollution, massive natural disasters, and invasive species are responsible for biodiversity loss. It could result in food web disruption, ecosystem changes, species extinction, and even dead zones.
The solution could be policies & enforcement, conservation, and donations to environmental NGOs. Dominant Species varieties have been seen to be adapted naturally during habitat loss or ecosystem changes. Small efforts of individuals could be a collective power to preserve Biodiversity. Using AI like Environmental detective robot could aid in future biodiversity protection.
Mars colonization could relieve the earth by shifting the massive industries. Being a conscious human is the prerequisite for preserving Biodiversity and saving the planet.
Loss Of Biodiversity Solutions: Causes, Effects & Solutions For Biodiversity-
Think about the earth with – no trees, no birds, and no animals – just nothing!
But only us, few humans – “Homo Sapience”!
Can you imagine how lonely the earth could be for us?
The world is a lifeless desert, without the variety of species, genetics, and ecosystem variations? Can you imagine yourself waking up without any birds chirping? Can you imagine yourself and your children depend upon oxygen cylinders to breathe and live a little more! Can you imagine yourself depending on only artificial agriculture to feed your family?
Can you imagine existing on a planet with lots of spreading unknown viruses like Corona, SARS, and Ebola? Because you all already destroyed their home. And so they all jumping towards you & your family to survive. But your body doesn’t know how to resist or cope with those unknown viruses. You will still work to make money, but you don’t know how to live eco worthy or survive as “Life.” We all are reaching towards death – not slowly but abruptly!
Can you feel the lessons of the 2020 pandemic? Can you think we are reaching towards the “Sixth extinction”! That’s why Biodiversity matters! We all are intertwined and connected with sophisticated bondage.
So, what is Biodiversity? How are we losing our Biodiversity?
Biodiversity is the richness of all kinds of life at the heart of the earth. There are millions of varieties of species and trillions of variation of individuals. All of them depend on sunlight & earthy minerals to survive. And they are connected mysteriously.
It’s like, one cannot sustain without others. And this complex dynamic connection in a particular geographical area is called ecosystem – the bubbles of life. Imagine the massive dynamics of several ecosystem bubbles of the Planet and their exciting relationships. If one system dies, others get affected. And so are we!
When talking about Biodiversity and types of biodiversity, we can say -We, Humans, are life, and we are Biodiversity!
Biodiversity is the intelligent complex connections between –
- Genetics of the same species,
- Different species,
- And ecosystems.
This Planet is driven by “love & connections,” not by separating oneself from others!
Let’s check a few interesting Examples of Biodiversity.
Biodiversity is rich in tropical rainforests, where the temperature is warm & moist. You can see strange varieties of flora & fauna in such a world. Do you ever heard about or seen the metallic sparkly green color “Orchid Bees” of rainforests? They buzzed around the “bucket orchid” of Mexico & southeastern Brazil. The male bees usually take glue-like substance from the bizarre bucket orchid as a perfume to attract females. While during their challenging activity, the male bee carries yellow rounded packet type pollen of orchid. They naturally involve in pollination while attracting females with their perfumes to date.
Interestingly, in the northern part, where the temperature is icy cold, there are boreal forest residents with entirely different species varieties. Boreal majestic woodland Caribou is a unique species that is now at the edge of “extinction.” They are disturbed due to habitat loss & fragmentation.
Northern Arctic is a sea-ice region. The polar bear is a unique species that walks through the sea-ice searching for the seal to haunt.
However, within only 70 years, the sea-ice is melting drastically due to climate change. (Netflix, 2020)
Due to warming, the summer comes here faster than usual. The polar bear gets less chance to haunt. Their cubs are growing underweight as they get less food. With the vanishing of sea-ice, the land is also changing. It becomes so harder for polar bears to survive with this harsh reality. They are invulnerable conditions as their population is decreasing drastically.
Due to warming, the summer comes here faster than usual. The polar bear gets less chance to haunt. Their cubs are growing underweight as they get less food. With the vanishing of sea-ice, the land is also changing. It becomes so harder for polar bears to survive with this harsh reality. They are invulnerable conditions as their population is decreasing drastically.
Now, what are the unconditional benefits biodiversity gifting us?
Biodiversity is a massive dimension of a variety of life. Ironically, we don’t value free things. The enormous benefit we get from Biodiversity is – Free.
- The forest that consumes vast amounts of carbon in exchange for the oxygen we breathe. They are the green belt against climate change. It’s free!
In 2019, trees captured about 37.1 billion tons of CO2 or around 30% of the annual carbon emissions. (Cross, 2019)
- The mangrove forest and coral reefs protect our coast. Sundarbans mangrove forest of Bangladesh covers the whole coastal zone from natural threats like storms every year. Do we care for this selfless protection?
- The more Enriched biodiversity, the more sustained & resilient the earth is for each species’ survival, including us. Do we care about this free connection between us?
- Biodiversity gives us insurance for our resilience and survival on earth. But if we hamper the weave of genetic diversity or species or ecosystem diversity – our survival will be questioned.
- The more diverse the pollinators, soil organisms & marine phytoplankton – the more enriched the food web. It results in more food for us and other species. Think about the buzzing bees collecting honey from your garden plants. Their Velcro body carries the pollen from female to male flowers. And the pollination happens, results in more flowers.
Bee Pollination provides 70% of the food we eat, which is economically valued billions of dollars. (Genetic Literacy Project, 2015)
- A biodiverse forest brings us economical Timber. Mystery and strange forest plants bring us medicines.
- About 80% of Medicines come from biodiversity. (Global Issues, 2018).
- Simply being in nature, close to forest or eco-park – is de-stressing & recreational. We have taken all these unconditional benefits for granted. Do we care?
Think about, what are the Major cause & impacts of biodiversity loss? Any idea?
Anthropogenic Activities!
Imagine the multidimensional cost if we need to buy oxygen for breathing! Ironically we – the human, are attacking & threatening the biodiversity at this timeline of the Anthropogenic Era. Many species are endangered, and their population has reduced drastically. Many species are already extinct. Imagine, if there is no forest, we will be drowned by the carbon. If there’s no bee, we will not get a variety of food. And it will hamper our immunity significantly.
So, the aggressive insanity to disrupt biodiversity – the more extinction of Species – and the more chance of our end!
Our major curse has become “Us”! We all are collectively destroying our home – our planet. We are the primary culprit for the sin of Global Warming. The warming of the earth’s temperature is shifting the climate, and many species are intolerant to such high temperatures. Our exploitative hunting and habitat fragmentation is threatening other species. We are causing plastic pollution, noise pollution, deforestation, animal trafficking & trading, encouraging mining, artificial agriculture (like Jhum Cultivation), and polluting air-water-soil. And the anthropogenic sins are kept going.
Love has gone and lost somewhere. We are losing relationships with ourselves and with nature. The enrichment of biodiversity is in a way to fade! How terrible! Isn’t it?
Let’s watch out for the recent updates of the IUCN Red List of species Extinction. Click the link for more updates – iucnredlist.org.
Now, let’s explore the Other Causes& Impacts of Biodiversity loss-
The major causes of biodiversity loss are-
- Climate change.
- Pollution.
- Plastic pollution also harms coral reefs.
- Natural Disaster.
- Introduction of exotic/invading species.
Climate Change Causes Loss Of Biodiversity :
Temperature rise itself affects biodiversity because each species has a specific temperature tolerance.
- IPCC estimated only an average 4-degree Global temperature rise would result in significant Extinction of species
- About average 2-degree global temperature rise will affect marine life. It will result in – Death of Major coral reefs with abrupt coral bleaching.
- Forest, marine phytoplankton, and the surrounding ecosystem will die with an excess of CO2. (California Academy of Sciences, 2014)
Due to climate change, the Arctic mountainous ice is melting faster. So, the Endemic beetle is going to the high elevation of the mountain to survive. The same thing is happening to the endemic bee population of Alpine rocky mountain of Colorado. Even in summertime, when native wildflowers are blooming & flourishing, the buzzing bumblebees do not seem anywhere to pollinate.
The Colorado bees can’t survive in such a warm temperature. So, they are going to the high elevation of the mountain to stay as it’s cooler. So Bees and flowers are lacking synchronicity. They are less often together at the same time. Bees are struggling to find food. Their population is declining. There would also be fewer chances of pollination to occur. And it will result in fewer plant species on which other Alpine Mammals depend. The mammal population will also be in threat due to less plant-based food.
It’s just a small scenario of Biodiversity loss. The actual impact is massive than you can imagine!
Pollution Occurred Biodiversity Loss
So, what’s happening with – Too much CO2? Just imagine the suffocating level! Already there are too few forests existing with too many tragic deforestation stories. Even plants have a capacity threshold to absorb CO2—the excess of CO2 results in dead plants.
“With high carbon dioxide, the pores do not open as wide. So plants are not able to keep themselves cool. It could cause the plants to become crispy critters and die when they were OK at lower carbon dioxide levels,” Cornish said. (DeMartini, 2018)
Plastic hurts biodiversity. Plastic pollution creates significant grave consequences to biodiversity, especially to marine life. Overtime, the plastic threw into the ocean becomes smaller particles of Microplastic.
Those Micro-plastic and plastic-debris are ingested by marine fishes & wildlife. (Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017).
So think about the sea-fish you’re eating could have plastic in it. And it would cause substantial health problems in us & other animals because micro-plastic would be transferred from species to species.
Plastic Pollution also harms coral reefs Which leads to Loss Of Biodiversity-
“In a survey of 159 coral reefs in the Asia–Pacific region, published in Science this year, researchers estimate there to be a staggering 11.1 billion plastic items entangled in the corals”(UN environment program, 2018) )
The shading mat of plastic debris ceases the oxygen & the access of light from the coral. And releases toxins that attract viruses & bacteria to invade the coral. And think about, if the coral is gone, the whole marine wildlife will lose their habitat & food for a living. The entire Marine ecosystem would be dead.
Phytoplankton is the lungs of the sea. They go through photosynthesis to absorb CO2 and provide us oxygen as a byproduct. Surprisingly, they offer us more oxygen than that of the total forest.
“Scientists believe that phytoplankton contribute between 50 to 85% of the oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere.” (EarthSky, 2015)
Unfortunately, phytoplankton mistakenly eats plastic debris, and that blocks the photosynthesis process. It results in zero oxygen byproduct and phytoplankton death. That hampers the overall food web of the ocean as other marine wildlife depends on them. Ultimately it gives birth to many Dead Sea zone with massive biodiversity loss. It sounds threatening.
Natural Disaster Also leads to Loss of Biodiversity
Species like Island species, big size, high trophic level, and low reproductive & genetic variety species are susceptible. They are more vulnerable to extinction. Abrupt Natural disasters like earthquakes, landslides, Tsunami, volcano, and meteoroid & asteroid hitting catastrophe, historically caused many mass extinction. Like, mammoths and dinosaurs have been extinct for natural disasters.
Introduction of exotic/invading species another reason to causes of Loss of Biodiversity
Alien species invasion – Invading plants like water hyacinth, Parthenium& Lantana threatens biodiversity & food security across the globe.
Water hyacinth invades other aquatic plants and threatens fish survival because –
PC: homade.recipes
- they overgrow into thick layers
- shades other aquatic plants
- takes all the nutrients
- Their decaying depletes dissolved oxygen in the water.
Partheniumis a shrub of sunflower tribes pretty much poisonous to cattle & domestic animals.
Lantana is a monstrous flowering plant that re-grows like a ghost. EVEN, if it’s cut down, it’s toxic to herbivores. And it also deters the growth of other nearby plants.
Predator fish like Nile perch & African catfish eats small native fishes drastically. They’re usually used for economic purposes but push the ecological diversity in decline.
The central government of India has banned African catfish in 2000 (Selvam, 2019).
Now, talking about solution & prevention! What could be the probable Solutions to biodiversity crises? How to prevent the loss of biodiversity?
Probable solution and prevention of Loss of biodiversity are-
- Policies & Enforcement.
- Evolutionary species adaptation.
- Conservation.
- Biodiversity protection at the Individual level.
Lets start to brief each of loss of biodiversity solutions-
Loss Of Biodiversity Solutions: Step1- Policies & Enforcement
Without Enforced Policies, we can’t protect and conserve our planet’s biodiversity. Policies could be formed at the local, regional, national, and international levels. When an issue arises, governments make policies based on economic factors. However, Economic factors are short term. But think about if our –
- Rain forests are lost
- People & animals starve of food
- Food web hampers
- Species starts to mass extinct
- Oxygen levels drop
- Suffocating CO2 rises
- Major ecosystems are lost
- Bees & insects are lost
- All the Coral-reefs are gone
- Mangrove forests diminish
- Ocean becomes dead
If there continues to happen, our planet will become dead – very soon! And if our habitat is lost – we could be extinct, too! So, considering these long-terms factors should be a top priority while reforming any policies.
Policies are made using –
- Primary data through field visit: There are professionals, scientists & volunteers who march through the forest or any ecosystem. They collect all the data like age, size & amounts of trees, animals, insects, and anything that comes their way.
- Research studies, including lab experiments: Like making a small ecosystem to detect which species are invasive to the system.
- Remote sensing of satellite image: It’s a potent tool that provides satellite images of the different planet’s areas in different timelines. In Ethiopia, a satellite image has found a surprising portion of reserved forests. All other regions have cleared around the forest. Investigators found that a specific area has been protected by religious bodies & priests for a prolonged time. And local people are dependent on that area for agricultural purposes and values nature as sacred. So local policies are made to encourage those people more to protect the area.
Resources and money are crucial to any policies to Enforce. Enforcement always made it happen in reality.
Loss Of Biodiversity Solutions: Step2-Evolutionary species adaptation
It’s a natural process. But it took thousands to hundreds of thousands of years to go through such an evolutionary process of natural selection. Species that are especially strong, adaptive, and genetically diverse can only go through these evolutionary changes.
Think about Northern Europe’s Gray Tawny Owl. But its brown color variant is flourishing today –
- They are genetically strong
- They can camouflage in the forest and be less attracted to predators.
- Pitcher plant mosquitos have evolved genetically to adapt to the warmer temperature. It’s a natural process where only the genetically evolved dominant species will survive. And the others will lose the battle of survival. (Ted-Ed, 2016)
Loss Of Biodiversity Solutions: Step3- Conservation
Conservation means crucial species protection. Professionals can use data from the IUCN Red list and other reliable sources. They can study on the data of which species are extinct, threatening, endangered, and vulnerable. Better the data, the better the result. Based on the data, they will identify which species need to conserve first. They could also decide with legislative bodies to make policies & raise funds accordingly.
Donate to Environmental organizations: Donate local & international Environmental NGOs like WWF (Worlds wildlife fund).
Loss Of Biodiversity Solutions: Step3- Biodiversity protection at the Individual level
Your small individual effort could become a collective power to preserve biodiversity. Only becoming aware of your small steps that could harm the biodiversity – could save a lot.
- You can reuse your old clothes by sewing and darning them.
- You can choose to buy sustainable food. You can repair your old washing machines, batteries, mobile phones, and other electronics and reuse them.
- Even you can sell them or donate them to recycling companies.
- You can also give your organic garbage to compost companies to use in agriculture.
- Some plastic recycling companies give cash in exchange for providing plastic bottles. But buying less plastic materials is a sage decision to save our planet in the long run.
- Minimalism is an immense effort at the individual level. You could be minimalist by merely buying a few clothes, stuff, clothes, materials, and so on. It would save your money and the environment as well.
You might think your tiny steps would not make any significant changes. But you can consult what sustainable things you’re doing with your neighbors, friends, and the local community. You can even use social media to raise awareness. Spreading knowledge will make everyone aware of participating in collective efforts to save local biodiversity.
You can even form a local biodiversity club to spread your knowledge, raising awareness, cleaning streets- lakes- wetlands. You can also involve your community in many recycling projects. You can form a group of environmental activists to plant trees or make a small park to preserve local biodiversity.
You can become a science citizen and inspire others. You can even make small projects of counting existing plants & animals of a small area. These data are essential to make other local and even national policies.
So, you can choose to become a powerful Individual or environmental activist, or science citizen. Or, you can choose to become “nothing”!
So, what’s wrong with Day Dreaming the future solution, right?
Using AI To Prevent Loss of Biodiversity – is it Possible?
Yes! You think it right about the associate cost of using AI. The cost would be huge! And using Robots and AI is almost impossible. It might seem so fictional. But actually, nothing is impossible!
Robots could be excellent at doing “repetitive works” and “works which are hazardous to humans.” It could also be used as Forest or Marine protector to record all the clips, photos & data, which is a very tedious job for a human. For say, in a forest- a threshold amount of cutting trees are allowed. And it would not harm the biodiversity. And if anyone crosses that limit, the Robot will start Red alert siren to stop them and notify the authority.
Moreover, did you ever heard about the arctic marine wildlife photographer? Their job is so life-threatening as they need to submerge under icy water to capture images & other data. Imagine using a scuba-diver robot to do such tedious activities with less error.
See, 2020 is already gone! We need to think about a more compelling future. If Elon Mask could create Rocket, making Robot is not impossible.
Think about Mars colonization which might be the solutions of Loss Of Biodiversity
Have you heard about Elon Mask’s visionary project on Mars colonization design and plan? So, why can’t we think about establishing and shifting all the massive industry on Mars? Why not think about freeing our home planet from all that chaos, pollution, and considerable damages? Our planet Earth is a much more suitable habitat for all living Biodiversity, including us. If you can set your steps on Moon or Mars, you will see how beautiful our Earth is! It’s a significant loss because we can’t see heaven on Earth – which is just THERE! Can’t we make our Earth a bit more livable? Yes, if we want, we can change!
Finally, let’s be a Conscious Human, Preserve Biodiversity & Save the Earth
Rise as a Superhuman
Rise as a Conscious being
Rise as Life
Be the love – flowing with the weave of Biodiversity
Being a conscious human is the solution to all problems. Conscious, aware, alert & empathic human being is the evolution from being primates to human. Conscious human is the definition of superhuman. Mindful of your every step and move is a necessity in today’s world. Because a conscious human can’t be greedy on his act while establishing new urban cities, technologies & industries, he would be alert before doing any harm, pollution or destruction of his neighboring species, habitats & nature.
A conscious human would not incorporate himself into Global warming. A conscious human would be visionary for bringing a sustainable future. A conscious human would be aware of maintaining the invisible weave of Biodiversity.
Unfortunately, human evolution is moving downwards. It’s a shame as a Human – if you are not the evolution of your past generation. Suppose humans can’t evolve into conscious beings – if they continue to harm nature & wildlife. You never know under such insanity – humans could be under the threat of Sixth Extinction. Throughout the whole article I am just trying to open your mind about the loss of biodiversity solutions, hope you enjoyed lot if than please share it and stay tune with EcoWowLife!!